Below old system - not gonna be updated


Update 16.07.2024

- Added Markdown for AI chat
- News now have new changelog view system. Archived version here
- Removed BetterDiscord Plugins from Home page
- [TODO] Fix share button

Update 26.04.2024

- Now you can use Custom API and model in AI chat
- Some fixes to my secrets (afert 2 years and 9 months)

Update 14.04.2024

- Fixed Discord profile width when status is too long
- Fixed textonimage when image doesn't generate but still try to remove it
- Added Text Size to textonimage
- [Planned] Custom font for textonimage

Update 03.03.2024

- Fixed Discord links (new system)
- Fixed installing website as app

Update 06.02.2024

- Now you will get notification about copied link to share
- Some changes to Music Player if user can't use JavaScript

Update 31.01.2024

- Fixed font where sometimes didn't apply

Update 03.01.2024

- Fixed footer (Finally)
- Optimized stylesheet
- Fixed share button got translated and has been broken

Update 01.01.2024

- Fixed footer in Games
- Added share button to changelog
- Updated translations
- [WIP] Added Gallery where you can check the history of website
- BDPlugins have now own Page
- Fixed AI Chat, OpenAI uses gpt-3.5-turbo, Pawan.Krd uses pai-001-light, later Custom API
- Some improvements

Update 18.12.2023

- Updated Latest Coub
- Added some comments in scripts
- Added missing instructions in textonimage
- Added new video background to news and games

Update 19.11.2023

- Changed "Usefull stuffs" to "Tools".

Update 08.11.2023

- Fixed fake windows update
- Added new font
- Now you can copy link to target update. For ex.

Update 13.09.2023

- Removed old tab patern
- Website icon is now loading from website
- Now discord profile is visible for mobile users
- Fixed "Go back" button on 404 page

Update 22.08.2023

- Fixed 404 error page and base.js by website url changes
- Now you can play custom radio in music player

Update 31.07.2023

- Now you can open DataURI converted file in new page

Update 24.07.2023

- Added DataURI and updated LocalPlayer in Code Opener
- Added some songs (I will not gonna alert new added songs in future)
- Added translator to main page

Update 20.07.2023

- Jquery is now available on every pages
- Optimize code
- Fixed music player where music.js loads first then base.js caused some errors
- Fixed position of translator

Update 10.07.2023

- Fixed Playlists
- New songs

Update 08.07.2023

- Added JS, Localplayer
- Updated Translation
- Improved Code Opener

Update 28.06.2023

- New Navbar and Mobile compatibility
- Added website logo to Navbar

Update 27.06.2023

- Rework release for all pages
- New Project named Code Opener
- Fixed "Go back" in 404 page
- [Planned] New Navbar for better experience
- [Planned] Mobile version

Update 25.06.2023

- Updated BetterDiscord plugins

Update 22.06.2023

- Rework index.html (soon for all pages)
- New songs in music player

Update 04.06.2023

- Added Custom api option for AI Chat
- More fixes for footer
- Textonimage now doesn't refresh page every time when image is generating
- Latest YT Video is now from youtube instead of invidious

Update 26.05.2023

- Fixed footer location
- Clock is now in tab, not in footer
- Css optimization
- Updated SNS download links
- Discord Profile now didnt colidate with other elements
- Added Video BG Brightness field for music player

Update 24.04.2023

- Updated Discord Profile
- Added one song to music player
- Css optimization

LANGUAGE UPDATE!!! 13.04.2023

- Added German Language
- Updated dropdown tab langauges
- Changed cursor

Update 29.03.2023

- Optimized javascripts files
- Cookies back for languages (expires 3 days after selecting language)

Update 27.03.2023

- Changed music from "MFS - Bow" to "АДЛИН - Одна"
- Fixed some songs links for Music Player
- No key function for AI Chat doesn't work anymore (Project was archived)

Update 17.03.2023

- New category (Usefull Stuffs) where you can find: Aboutme, TextonImage and AI Chat
- Now you can talk with ChatGPT on my website
- Removed 1 unecossary file in about me
- [Planned] Readable file in popup window

Update 14.03.2023

- Fixed text align to size of window in games
- Fixed manifest on aboutme
- Optimized code for my projects
- Some improvments if you have turned off javascripts

Update 10.03.2023

- Now you can use "Accept CORS" to generate image with text in Base64 format
- Fixed problem where generating image with text always turn off text shadow option

Update 08.03.2023

- Improved mobile users view
- Fixed position for discord profile (Still broken but less)
- [Planned] Fix every misstakes with design

Update 07.03.2023

- Added my Discord profile on home page
- [Planned] Change About me to Projects

Update 06.03.2023

- Updated dev console commands
- Updated Coub to the latest video
- Added Polish Coub to about me

Update 28.02.2023

- Added Download button to textonimage
- Added Warnings about CORS on textonimage
- Updated AsingAllBadges to 1.2.5

Update 24.02.2023

- Added textx, texty and textshadow to textonimage
- Added 'View Raw Base64' for textonimage
- Color text area was changed to Color Picker
- textx, texty, sizex, sizey now are only numberic

Update 15.02.2023

- Improved textonimage
- Added sizex and sizey to textonimage
- Added GUI for textonimage
- Now you can bypass only image upload accept in music player by checking experiments checkbox

Update 09.02.2023

- Fixed some links
- Added textonimage (Testing for now)
- New style to 404 error
- Roadmap soon...

Update 02.02.2023

- Added more songs
- Optimized code for playlists
- Soon download for new project (Polish Coub)

Update 15.01.2023

- small fixes
- testing Progressive Web App function
- video background now have more sources

Update 05.01.2023

- Optimized code in Music Player
- Changed background on News and Games
- Now you can save video and uploaded image as background on Music Player (only URL function)
- Now you cant upload video to set as background (I do that because video was converted to Base64 and its very big data)
- Reset button now remove saved image or video on Music Player

Update 01.01.2023

- Languages will now be saved in localStorage, not cookies (localStorage is easier and better then cookies)
- Now you can save background on Music Player (only Image URL function)

Update 20.12.2022

- Added more songs
- Added New item from Steam Workshop on About page

Update 08.12.2022

- Added more songs
- Local songs is now in correct location

Update 01.12.2022

- Webamp now have full functional Playlists
- Added more songs
- Added Time Clock

Update 24.11.2022

- Fixed 404 page
- Added Playlists for webamp W.I.P.

Update 20.11.2022

- New songs in Music
- Now you can select skins for Webamp (for now "Yuzuki Kokubunji" and "Anime Webamp V2")
- Added custom error 404 page

Update 06.11.2022

- Games are now in proper location
- New type of loading site is now possible to find
- Changed name site from radio to music
- Added description to embed of website

Update 31.10.2022

- Fixed custom background on Music Player
- Fixed dropdown tab where color was darker then must was
- On the bottom right, you can see version of website
- Optimized code
- Latest Coub is now on center
- Now text is bright

Update 30.10.2022

- On Home page now you can download my BDPlugins
- Small fixes for

Update 23.10.2022

- New look on My Project in about me page
- Video background in now untouchable
- If you dont have JavaScript on, you get notification about this

Update 18.10.2022

- You can now Download my plugins on github
- Updated console text
- More soon...

Update 27.09.2022

- Fixed some things in CSS
- Again next testing google translator
- Changed entire Games page

Update 15.09.2022

- Changed entire News page
- Added animated background
- The newest Coub will now be played in full hd
- Discord widget now have normal position
- Changelog will be moved to News soon

Update 05.09.2022

- Added fake update windows screen
- Added some new songs
- Added milkdrop to Webamp
- Fixed the Home button being able to exit the website
- Fixed Context Menu in Webamp

Update 08.08.2022

- Fixed links to author profile(me)
- The download link for the game from Steam has been changed to Widget
- If you have suggestions on what to add, write to me

Update 06.08.2022

- Updated Webamp to newest version
- You can now exit from Music Player when you dont have javascripts
- Fixed songs and added new one

Update 03.08.2022

- Updated Music Racer 2000 page
- Added new project in about page
- Added my avatar in SNS, MR2 and NSR pages

Update 30.07.2022

- Updated Music Racer 2000 page

Update 25.06.2022

- Added News page where you can find changelog about website and games
- Button Pages was changed to Games
- Added Search Button to able search more information about games
- Remake of navigation bar

Update 30.05.2022

- Added Translation to all Games Pages (Uses Google API but doesnt work)
- Added song and radio station (RMF MAXXX)

Cookies Update v1 15.05.2022

- Added option to change language on website (Required cookies enabled)
- Translation soon on Games pages
- Changed entired Music Page

Update 30.04.2022

- Now website has a preview of links on other websites

BIG UPDATE!!! 06.04.2022

- Updated icon and images on website
- Changed text on Main page
- Updated css code
- Added "Last Updated" text on Games
- Optimized and fixed some code from SNS, MR2 and NSR pages
- Added "About Game" for NSR page
- More soon...

Update 03.04.2022

- Added Changelog list
- Updated code to HTML5(<center> doesnt exist in HTML5 so i fixed it)
- Added Button to set custom background and reset it to default on Music Player
- Added more songs in Music Player

Update 31.03.2022

- Added Music Player, Discord widget on Home page and first tests with javascripts

Update 17.02.2022

- Added Cursor and About me page
- Fixed Website URL

Update 15.01.2022

- Updated icon of website
- Added New type of loading website

Update 24.12.2021

- Website was created


Last Updated: 25.06.2022 PlaceHolder description