
The history of the website

2021 - The Begining
This is how it looks my website when I started creating it. You can't find files of it because in the past I removing commits for some reason. There was nothing, only title, changelog, discord widget and link to other website that I used, so you can guess how HTML file looks.

2022 - New Plans
My abilities and experience on creating website got improvement and I decided to start doing something with this website. I started with adding stuffs to home page, next to games, about me and more.

2023 - Upgrade
This time I go to my website on phone and I say "omg what a mess", and it was a sign to upgrade website by changing navbar and in the same time create compatibility for mobile devices. I was inspired on adding usefull tools to my website so I and other people can use it if they need.

2024 - ???
My website have some bugs that destroy stylesheet and can freeze device when using scripts in wrong way. In that year my main target is to fix website as much as I can and add some good things that can be used later. One of it is again remake of navbar or new custombg window in music player.